Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Last night Ben and I went over to see our good friends, Jackie and David. David wasn't able to make it to the dinner we had, so we went over there to officially ask him to be a part of our wedding. While I was over there, Jackie showed me the CUTEST hat she made! It was too adorable not to share.

She is SO good and has the cutest monkey hats too! She just started a blog-store and you should check it out for more fun and adorable goodies and buy one! I'm pretty sure she'd be happy to make these babies in your size too. ;)

Because of her adorable crocheting amazingness, I have decided to try a little harder and get better. So it's off to Joann's I go for some more yarn and MAYBE even a crochet pattern book...


  1. Thanks for the shout-out, friend! I'm lovin' the new blog- it'll be fun to follow your wedding plans on here!


  2. Jackie! I made a hat! and the best part...it actually LOOKS like a hat! I'll have to show you next time I see you!
